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Lucero - Smart Optofluidic Single-Cell Micromanipulation


Lucero is creating an automated, optics-based, single-cell manipulation tool to help cell biologists study and understand complex diseases and viruses at the single-cell level more effectively. Our optics solution will reduce costs, ensure high cell viability through non-contact manipulation, and increase researchers' productive time by automating labor-intensive experiments.

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Jonathan Habegger
    5 May 2020

    Sounds highly promising! Looking forward to collaborating. All the best and kind regards from Switzerland.

    Marco Ri Os
      5 May 2020

      Fantastic initiative, much needed in the current situation.

      Ruth Jacklin
        5 May 2020

        Well developed concept that couldn’t be more timely! Wishing you success, Lucero!

        Staffan Hellsvik
          5 May 2020

          If this could help scientists in the battle against the current pandemic - we need this now! What type of reduction in manpower or time saving is possible through automation of experiments?

          Selma Björklund
            5 May 2020

            Wow, this sounds super cool!