STARTUP - 2023
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Nepri - Soil diagnostics for early detection of plant diseases

By: Erik Karlsson

    Agriculture is the very foundation of our modern society. Without access to food - everything stops.

    But today we have a food system that is fundamentally broken. The food system is responsible for 29% of our global emissions, and for protecting our crops from diseases, we spray huge areas with toxic pesticides which simultaneously cause both ecological and human harm. At the same time, we still lose 20-40% of our total yields due to plant diseases, costing the world up to $220 billion every year. And worst of all, we still fail in meeting the global demand for food, with over 800 million people still living in hunger. It is painfully clear that we need to find new, efficient and sustainable, ways to protect our food production. That is our target at Nepri, and we do it through microfluidic chip technology.

    Nepri exists to help farmers worldwide reach sustainable and high-yielding agriculture, through early diagnostics of plant diseases. Using novel microfluidic technology, we can find harmful pathogens directly in the soil, before they infect crops and cause yield losses. The technology is based on close to a decade of research from Lund University, and now we are developing it further to help farmers worldwide.

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