STARTUP - 2023
Idea thumbnail


By: Raphael Mak

    Metvibee is a collaborative urban design platform for municipalities and consultancies to engage with citizens and design together with extended reality.

    Modern cities are often planned without citizen participation, which affects how urban resources and socioeconomic opportunities are distributed. By applying extended reality to participatory urban design processes, we can help cities make the transition to become more sustainable and equal.

    Metvibee enables users to design together in public space through drawing, typing text, or uploading photos, all of which are updated in real time. They can share the project with other stakeholders, and also join projects that are in the design process.

    Metvibee will run on a subscription business model with the clients being municipalities and consultancies that work with urban planning and design, helping them achieve citizen participation in a more immersive and effective way.

    Metvibee has generated interest from a number of municipalities and consultancies around Europe, and prototype testing has started with pilot customers. The market for urban planning and design tools is estimated to be at €4 billion, and growing to €5 billion by 2027.

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